Monday 26th November 2001, Freemantle Oz.
Suddenly our holiday in Australia was at an end, and we had a lot to do before flying on to Singapore tomorrow. We disposed of most of the left-over food from the van’s fridge at breakfast. Afterwards, we drove into Fremantle to get some more passport photos for PADI. (Despite a thorough search, we could find none of the photos that had been taken in Hawaii.) Having delivered the new photos to the dive shop, we drove to a shady car park in the middle of Perth, had lunch, and began to pack.
By 3.15pm, we had zipped our stuffed back packs closed, accumulating in the process, a heavy carrier bag full of clothes, shoes, maps, and guidebooks, that we no longer needed. (Needless to say, we also found the original set of passport photos!) Then it was time to return our trusty van to Britz.
We got a half-day’s refund for the leaking rear differential, and didn’t have to pay for the last day’s insurance. The Britz rep also kindly booked us into a comfortable hotel down the road, and arranged for a taxi.